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Educational Background: Kaitlyn did her schooling at the North York Board of Education and then attended college at York University in Psychology Kaitlyn Leeb Net Worth Kaitlyn Leeb's net worth is around $2 million U.S. dollars and her earnings come from endorsements, acting deal with brands, etc. Kaitlyns per month earnings are around $30000 to $42000 thousand U.S. dollars. Before starting her acting career Kaitlyn Leeb was a model in the world of print media and worked for a variety of famous brands to promote billboard campaigns such as the fruit drinks company Fuze Virgin Mobile Dentyne Ice RBC and more After winning the Miss Chin Bikini Kaitlyn got many offers to act in movies. In 2011 she acted in a movie named Wrong Turn 4 after doing this movie she became very famous. She was also featured in many popular movies like Total Recall Locked Down Romance in the Wilds as well as others. Instagram Journey: Kaitlyn shares images of her everyday life, movie posters and more on the Instagram page. She has 75k+ followers. She created her Instagram account on 7th August 2012. Kaitlyn Leeb Family Ted Leeb has been Kaitlyn Leeb's husband for over 10 years. The couple has two girls Avery Elizabeth Leeb born in August of 2016. in 2020. Presley Leeb will be Kaitlyn's second daughter.

Kayla Maisonet (born in the city of New York) is an American actress who gained fame for the role she played in the Disney TV sitcom Stuck in the Middle. Her birthplace was in New York and moved to Los Angeles with her family in order to pursue an acting career. As a child she was attracted to television and was always aspiring to become an actor. She followed many Disney Channel series and eventually made her up mind about acting as an actor. The first time she began acting was in her school years and later continued into adulthood. She gained fame during her time in Los Angeles after performing Off-Broadway. The first time she appeared on screen in 2012 with the Disney series Dog with a Blog where she played a major regular role. The Haunted Hathaways was her following appearance. In 2016, Kayla landed the role that defined her career Georgie Diaz in the Disney TV show Stuck in the Middle. Kayla and the entire series, went on to become hugely popular. Kayla's role in Dog with a Blog won her a Young Artist Award.

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